The 2 Types of Fat

There are 2 types of fat. I will explain the 2 types, and then go into detail how to get rid of each type.

Muscular fat:
This is the fat that you don't really notice as much. This fat is the fat that makes your muscles soft. It gets mixed in with the muscle tissue, making the muscles less defined, less powerful, and not as efficient. Most people who don't work out will have a good deal of muscular fat, however it won't really show too much unless you are going for an amazing six pack or complete definition. To get rid of muscular fat, there is really one main way. Strengthen the muscles. This means weight training, and some light cardio. When you build the muscle, the fat that is attached to it will get eaten away. We suggest a program of weight training which will require 8-10 reps per set.

Skin attached Fat:
When you see a fat person, they are mainly suffering from skin attached fat. This means that attached to the skin is a large layer of fat. This gives you the unattractive appearance, and can lead to body oder due to the fact that sweat and bacteria get caught in any creases or folds of the skin. Unlike what many people believe, doing a million crunches or sit-ups will not get rid of the fat on your belly. A crunch or a sit-up will strengthen the abdominal muscles, but what good is that if the fat is not attached to your muscles, rather your skin. This means that skin attached fat will not disappear in certain areas by just working those areas out. Instead you need to reduce your body fat percentage by eating properly and doing cardiovascular exercises. If you get on a good diet, and run, row, or bike for an hour a day, you will begin shedding those pounds fast.

If you want to look better, feel healthier, and get stronger, the recommended routine would be to do the following:
Start off with cardio 4 days a week, and a healthy diet, while doing moderate weight training, 8-10 reps per set 1-2 days a week. Once you start looking better, and noticing a huge decrease in your skin attached fat, change your routine to 3 days of cardio and 2-3 days of weight training, while keeping up the healthy diet. Once satisfied with the weight you have lost, change to only one day of cadio and 4-5 days of weight training. Once you build muscle from the weight training, cardio will no longer be as important, since your increased metabolism, from your increase in muscle will eat away much of the fat.

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